These webpages, targeted to river restoration practitionners accross Europe, present how river preservation and restoration are carried out in France and give access to practical and technical resources on these topics.
Several centuries of direct and indirect human actions on streams and rivers have led to considerable and even irreversible degradation of their ecological state. Implementing river restoration is an important way to address these issues. Restoration refers to a large variery of measures and practices, which can vary considerably in size, ambition and complexity. These are aimed at restoring the natural state and functioning of the river system in support to biodiversity, to enable its sustainable and multifunctional uses. To find out about the reasons for river restoration, visit the " Why restore? " section.
Awareness of this degradation was one of the factors leading to the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) in 2000, which has set out ambitious objectives for the ecological status, and continuity of rivers. The European directive implementation section provides an overview of the transposition of this regulatory framework in France, the tools used and actors involved, as well as some information on the implementation of the Flood Directive in France.

Aquatic ecosystems could be damaged in different ways: destruction of habitats, disruption of fish migration, disconnection of meanders...
A complete diagnosis of the aquatic environment is a first step to any restoration measure..
A river restoration project involves many different stakeholders, at different levels and with various functions.
Information and communication help raising awareness about the benefits of restoration projects and involving all these stakeholders and potential partners...
Different categories of actions can be defined when aiming at an efficient hydromorphological functioning.
What can be implemented could be grouped into threee categories, depending on the issue: avoiding, mitigating or removing the significant adverse effects on the environment...
Find out about the National Centers for river restoration in Europe on the website of the European Center for River Restoration.
Web pages dedicated to the preservation and restoration of river hydromorphology and continuity and migratory fish are also available on the Onema french website.