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  1. LIFE_EC.png

    LIFE Water & Climate

    (FR) 2021

    Launched in 2020 for 4 years, this LIFE “Water &Climate” project aims at supporting long-term local decision-making for climate-adapted...

    Theme : Examples

  2. Life_CEco.jpg

    Life Ecological continuity

    (EN) - PNR Morvan & Ballon des Vosges

    This project, carried out in the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region, aimed at restoring the functionality of rivers and their connectivities in order...

    Theme : Examples

  3. rex_en.png

    River restoration examples throught France

    (EN) - AFB 2019

    The collection presents more than 25 examples of river hydromorphology restoration undertaken over the past 20 years throughout France. These...

    Theme : Examples

  4. atlantic_salmon.png

    Atlantic Salmon Summit

    (EN) 2015

    The Atlantic Salmon Summit, organized in France in October 2015, gathered scientists, institutions, managers, industry, NGOs or leading experts...

    Theme : Examples

  5. Vezin_Poutès.jpg

    Ecological continuity in Vezins Poutès

    (EN) - Onema 2014

    A video introducing two outstanding projects restoring ecological continuity in France.

    Theme : Examples

  6. Life_shad.png

    LIFE + Shad project

    (EN) 2016

    This French-German project aims at continuing the stocking of Allis shad in the Rhine initiated in 2007 and maintaining and reestablish wild...

    Theme : Examples

  7. SynthèseCE.png

    Restoration of river continuity: examples of practices in Europe

    (FR) - OiEau 2021

    This study offers a detailed overview of the implementation of the restoration of river continuity in four European countries (BE, ES, LU, UK): main regulations and actions, stakeholders, financial elements, tools, incentives and obstacles are proposed. Full...

    Theme : Examples

  8. Selune.png

    Selune river restoration

    (EN) - AFB & INRA 2018

    This website presents the Selune river restoration project. In the context of removing the Vezins and La-Roche-Qui-Boit dams, a monitoring program has been set up to monitor the ecological restoration of the river basin and to characterize the related changes. Societal impacts are also being studied. See also this specific...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  9. guideline_monitorin.png

    Guideline for the monitoring of hydromorphological restoration

    (FR) - AFB 2019

    This practical guide focuses on the monitoring design and data collection methods for biological, hydromorhological elements necessary to assess...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  10. Life_HauteDronne.jpg

    Life Haute-Dronne

    (FR) - PNR Périgord-Limousin

    Led by the PNR Périgord-Limousin, this program is based on two main working areas: restoration of habitats on the Haute-Dronne, and...

    Theme : Examples
