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  1. Buech.png

    Monitoring the Buëch river

    (EN) - I.S.Rivers 2018

    In the context of the 2018 I.S.Rivers, several river restoration projects have been presented, along with their monitoring programmes. Among them, sediment replenish operations in Alpine rivers such as the Buëch and the...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  2. Dam_removal_OFB.png

    Partial or total weir/dam removal

    (EN) - AFB 2018

    From the AFB collection of examples, this factsheet presents the objectives of removing dams or weirs totally or partially, examples of possible...

    Theme : Examples

  3. Dashboard01.jpg

    Dashboards: Loire


    In France, dashboards are set up in some catchment areas. Providing indicators, these can be used as supports for monitoring: Charente...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  4. Handbook_INBO.jpg

    The handbook for management and restoration of aquatic ecosystems in river and lakes basins

    (EN) - GWP & INBO 2015

    This handbook is aimed at practitioners involved in managing water resources and restoring ecosystems and, more broadly, anyone with an interest...

    Theme : Examples

  5. ReX_AP.jpg

    Artois Picardie river restoration examples

    (FR) - Agence de l'eau Artois-Picardie 2013

    This collection contains feedbacks of 40 river restoration operations conducted in the Artois-Picardie Basin from 2007 to 2012.

    Theme : Examples

  6. LIFE_Dordogne.png

    LIFE Dordogne

    (FR) 2021

    The “LIFE Dordogne river” program, going from 2020 to 2026, aims to conserve and restore rare and threatened natural environments of the...

    Theme : Examples

  7. ReX_ZH02.jpg

    Feedbacks and monitoring on rivers and wetlands

    (FR) - Onema 2010

    On this website, some feedbacks on river or wetland restoration are available, containing a "monitoring" section.

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  8. Onema_ec_cont.jpg

    Onema's work for restoring ecological continuity

    (EN) - Onema

    Throughout France, Onema personnel have worked hard in favour of river continuity and provided local projects with their technical know-how. Few...

    Theme : Examples

  9. ZH01.jpg

    Zones Humides website

    (FR) - Eaufrance

    Feedbacks on river and wetland preservation or restoration actions, that could be sorted by river basin, type of operation or type of aquatic...

    Theme : Examples
