

The search found 33 results in 0.179 seconds.

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  1. Diag_restor_biodiv.jpg

    Diagnosing and restoring aquatic biodiversity

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    This document recapitulates the knowledge, methods and results presented during the meeting titled “The outlook for managing aquatic...

    Theme : Diagnosing > Documents

  2. Géo.jpg


    (FR) - IGN / BRGM

    This website offers maps, aerial photographs and data concerning environment, spatial planning or public services in France.

    Theme : Data and maps

  3. Ecological-network.png

    Accompanying implementation of French ecological networks dans les territoires

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    This document provides an overview of the symposium titled “Mobilising public entities for ecological networks”, which took place in March 2015...

    Theme : Partnership

  4. HB_participation.png

    The handbook for the participation of stakeholders and the civil society in the basins of rivers, lakes and aquifers

    (EN) - INBO 2018

    This paper presents the key elements of the participation of stakeholders in water management, and gives concrete examples from basins around...

    Theme : Partnership

  5. Hydro01.jpg


    (FR) - Eaufrance

    A national database for water levels and flows. HYDRO stores the water level measures from about 5 000 measuring stations. It calculates for...

    Theme : Data and maps

  6. ZH01.jpg

    Wetlands maps and inventories

    (FR) - Eaufrance

    This website, dedicated to wetlands, provides information about the functions and values of wetlands, their regulation... and inventories and...

    Theme : Data and maps

  7. Restoration_NWRM.jpg

    River restoration and Natural Water Retention Measures

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    This workshop aimed to promote a better integration of European directives and policies through river restoration and natural water retention measures. The workshop was also focusing on the ways to improve local communities’ engagement in aquatic ecosystem restoration projects.


    Theme : Partnership

  8. Fish01.jpg

    Migratory fish control stations: Breuil en Auge


    Migratory fish control stations provides informations on the status of fish populations:

    Theme : Data and maps

  9. Fish_climate.png

    Freshwater fish and climate change: current situation and adaptation strategies

    (EN) - Onema 2014

    This document gives an overview of the current knowledge about observed and predicted changes of climate and hydrology, and about the impact of...

    Theme : Diagnosing > Documents

  10. ICE_fish.jpg

    The ICE protocol for ecological continuity : Assessing the passage of obstacles by fish

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    This document presents the issues involved in ecological continuity for fish species, the scientific principles underlying the development of...

    Theme : Diagnosing > Documents
