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Invasive alien species in aquatic environments - Practical information and management insights
(EN) - Onema 2016
This two-volume publication gives detailed information about the management of invasive alien species (IAS) : legislation, regulation, actions and management issues in the first volume, a panorama of IAS management experiments in aquatic environements in the 2nd...
Theme : Invasive species
Removing a weir and renaturalising the Iton River on the Plis industrial site in Hondouville
(EN) - Onema 2016
Widening and sediment reloading of the Drac riverbed in Saint-Bonneten- Champsaur
(EN) - Onema 2016
Theme : River gravel input
Elimination of a pond along the Erve River and conservation of the historical heritage in Sainte-Suzanne-et-Chammes
(EN) - Onema 2016
Lowering the weir of the Houël mill on the Leff River
(EN) - Onema 2016
Dam removal in France
(EN) - ERN 2016
France has been working on dam removal for years. European Rivers Network presents, as an NGO engaged in the preservation of rivers, its views on the main actions implemented by the country for almost 30 years, and proposes some case studies, including the Brives-Charensac dam...
Theme : Tools
LIFE + Shad project
(EN) 2016
This French-German project aims at continuing the stocking of Allis shad in the Rhine initiated in 2007 and maintaining and reestablish wild...
Theme : Examples
"Water quality" application
(FR) - Onema & Agences de l'Eau 2016
This new smartphone or tablet application allows to obtain information on the river status: "very good", "good" or "poor"; information of a...
Theme : Data and maps
Restoring the river continuity of the Bresle River by returning it to its original bed in Sénarpont
(EN) - Onema 2016
Ecological continuity in littoral wetlands, a local, national and European issue
(EN) - Onema 2016
Bringing together managers, scientists and decision makers, this event aimed at producing a joint project for the improvement of ecological...
Theme : Partnership