The search found 6 results in 0.028 seconds.
Search results
Guide to the interpretation of the scales and the estimation of the age of brown trout (Salmo trutta) from the French populations
(EN) - OFB 2020
A user manual for interpreting the scales and estimating the age of brown trout (Salmo trutta).
Theme : Diagnosing > Documents
Dam removal: The Sélune River free to run - 24 to 26 september 2019
(EN) - OFB 2020
Summary of the international symposium on the rebirth of the Sélune river, organized by European River network in conjunction with the French...
Theme : Event national center
NWRM - Measures offering multiple benefits to meet water-related challenges
(EN) - OFB 2020
Summary of the technical seminar held on 13 February 2020, which highlighted the opportunities to implement NWRMs in the agricultural, urban and...
Theme : Event national center
SAGE, a tool for local water management
(EN) - IOWater 2020
This infographic provides an illustrated overview of the SAGE (or sub-basin management plans), and their situation in January 2020 in France.
Theme : Organizing the implementation
Promotion and development of ecological engineering in Guadeloupe watercourses
(EN) - PNR Guadeloupe 2020
Website of the PROTEGER project, with the results of the project, resources and information related to ecological engineering in Guadeloupe ...
Theme : Lateral continuity
French NWRM case studies from agriculture and forestry sectors
(EN) - OIEau & OFB 2020
10 cases studies of Natural Water Retention Measures implementation in France, with a detailed description of the NWRM, lessons learnt, impacts,...