

The search found 33 results in 0.047 seconds.

Search results

  1. Hydromorph_primer.jpg

    River hydromorphology - a primer

    (EN) - Onema 2010

    The authors introduce us to river hydromorphology and explain the geomorphological characteristics of rivers that create the habitat types on...

    Theme : Diagnosing > Documents

  2. Water_status_WFD.jpg

    Water status and the Water Framework Directive: review of assessment methods

    (EN) - Onema 2011

    This document is a report of two scientific information days followed by two days of discussions focusing on bioindication, organised in France...

    Theme : Diagnosing > Documents

  3. Diag_restor_biodiv.jpg

    Diagnosing and restoring aquatic biodiversity

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    This document recapitulates the knowledge, methods and results presented during the meeting titled “The outlook for managing aquatic...

    Theme : Diagnosing > Documents

  4. SYRAH_OFB.png

    SYRAH-CE project

    (FR) - OFB

    This page introduces the SYRAH-CE project, whose aim is to evaluate risks for water course physical alterations throught a geographical...

    Theme : Diagnosing > Documents

  5. ICE_fish.jpg

    The ICE protocol for ecological continuity : Assessing the passage of obstacles by fish

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    This document presents the issues involved in ecological continuity for fish species, the scientific principles underlying the development of...

    Theme : Diagnosing > Documents

  6. ROE.jpg


    (FR) - Eaufrance

    A database listing the flow barriers present on French territory, combined with national homogeneous information (national code, localisation…). This fact...

    Theme : Data and maps

  7. Géo.jpg


    (FR) - IGN / BRGM

    This website offers maps, aerial photographs and data concerning environment, spatial planning or public services in France.

    Theme : Data and maps

  8. Fish01.jpg

    Migratory fish control stations: Breuil en Auge


    Migratory fish control stations provides informations on the status of fish populations:

    Theme : Data and maps

  9. Hydro01.jpg


    (FR) - Eaufrance

    A national database for water levels and flows. HYDRO stores the water level measures from about 5 000 measuring stations. It calculates for...

    Theme : Data and maps

  10. ZH01.jpg

    Wetlands maps and inventories

    (FR) - Eaufrance

    This website, dedicated to wetlands, provides information about the functions and values of wetlands, their regulation... and inventories and...

    Theme : Data and maps
