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Search results
Film: Between wild river and tamed river
(EN) - Natural Regional Parks of Morvan and of Ballon des Vosges 2017
Through interviews with users and experts, this 31min movie presents the actions carried out in the context of the Life “Ecological Continuity” programme, and raises awareness about river issues. More films from the programme<...
Theme : Tools
River restoration in France: Changes in definitions and techniques over space and time. Outlook for the future
(EN) - AFB 2017
This document presents the history of the concept of river restoration, the French and international definitions, but also the diversity of practices and some reflexions about possible strategies for river restoration. A...
Theme : Awareness > Documents
Rivers in good health
(EN) - AFB 2017
Designed for a broad public, this 5 min animated movie explains how rivers are shaped and why it is crucial to preserve and restore their health...
Theme : Tools