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Why is it needed to restore river continuity?
(EN) - Onema 2010
This document identifies environmental and regulatory reasons for restoring river continuity, and proposes possible solutions to that end.
Theme : Tools
Many services to society depend on the quality of aquatic environments
(EN) - Onema 2010
This fact sheet presents the different ecosystem services and their importance, especially concerning human societies
Theme : Awareness > Documents
Assessing the ecological services of aquatic environments: scientific, political and operational issues
(EN) - Onema 2011
This book provides managers with key concepts on addressing why assessments of ecological services rendered by aquatic environments are...
Theme : Awareness > Documents
Improving control over nutrients by restoring river hydromorphology
(EN) - Onema 2013
This review of the literature presents the most noteworthy aspects of current knowledge and a number of examples on the relations between...
Theme : Awareness > Documents
Implementation of the Water Framework Directive: when ecosystem services come into play
(EN) - Onema 2013
This document presents the results of a seminar held in 2011 in France, with the concept of ecosystem services, the application methods for...
Theme : Awareness > Documents
River dynamics: at the origin of biodiversity and good ecological status
(EN) - Onema 2010
This fact sheet presents why respecting the river dynamics is important, in terms of ecosystem services, biodiversity and for reaching good...
Theme : Awareness > Documents
Viewpoint of partners on ecosystem services
(EN) - Onema
Viewpoints of 2 persons involved in aquatic environments issues, on ecosystem services.
Theme : Awareness > Documents
Preserving migratory fish – the example of Pyrenean rivers
(EN) - Onema 2015
Onema has produced a film to raise awareness among the general public of the alarming situation facing migratory fish, in France and other North...
Theme : Tools