

The search found 26 results in 0.029 seconds.

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  1. Film_Mig.jpg

    Preserving migratory fish – the example of Pyrenean rivers

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    Onema has produced a film to raise awareness among the general public of the alarming situation facing migratory fish, in France and other North...

    Theme : Tools

  2. Assess_eco_serv.jpg

    Assessing the ecological services of aquatic environments: scientific, political and operational issues

    (EN) - Onema 2011

    This book provides managers with key concepts on addressing why assessments of ecological services rendered by aquatic environments are...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  3. Restoration_NWRM.jpg

    River restoration and Natural Water Retention Measures

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    This workshop aimed to promote a better integration of European directives and policies through river restoration and natural water retention measures. The workshop was also focusing on the ways to improve local communities’ engagement in aquatic ecosystem restoration projects.


    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  4. life_film2.png

    Film: Between wild river and tamed river

    (EN) - Natural Regional Parks of Morvan and of Ballon des Vosges 2017

    Through interviews with users and experts, this 31min movie presents the actions carried out in the context of the Life “Ecological Continuity” programme, and raises awareness about river issues. More films from the programme<...

    Theme : Tools

  5. year_of_salmon2.png

    International year of the salmon – 2019

    (EN) - AFB 2019

    France is taking part in the International year of the salmon! For this occasion, the French agency for biodiversity has gathered on line...

    Theme : Tools

  6. Rest_pratiques.png

    River restoration in France: Changes in definitions and techniques over space and time. Outlook for the future

    (EN) - AFB 2017

    This document presents the history of the concept of river restoration, the French and international definitions, but also the diversity of practices and some reflexions about possible strategies for river restoration. A...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  7. Why_rest_cont.jpg

    Why is it needed to restore river continuity?

    (EN) - Onema 2010

    This document identifies environmental and regulatory reasons for restoring river continuity, and proposes possible solutions to that end.

    Theme : Tools

  8. ERN_dam_removal2.png

    Dam removal in France

    (EN) - ERN 2016

    France has been working on dam removal for years. European Rivers Network presents, as an NGO engaged in the preservation of rivers, its views on the main actions implemented by the country for almost 30 years, and proposes some case studies, including the Brives-Charensac dam...

    Theme : Tools

  9. River_dynamics.jpg

    River dynamics: at the origin of biodiversity and good ecological status

    (EN) - Onema 2010

    This fact sheet presents why respecting the river dynamics is important, in terms of ecosystem services, biodiversity and for reaching good...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  10. Video_Gemapi.jpg

    A new type of river management is coming !

    (EN) - RMC Water Agency 2016

    This film, aimed at stakeholders involved in rivers management, presents and illustrates three key ideas, focusing on river restoration, to...

    Theme : Tools
