The search found 26 results in 0.045 seconds.
Search results
Understanding the salmon life history
(EN) - OFB 2021
A video presenting the life cycle of the Atlantic salmon and the importance of knowledge to help its preservation.
Theme : Tools
Rivers in good health
(EN) - AFB 2017
Designed for a broad public, this 5 min animated movie explains how rivers are shaped and why it is crucial to preserve and restore their health...
Theme : Tools
The « wild-made » Moselle river
(EN) - Université de Lorraine 2013
This one-hour film on the Moselle river and based on interviews with researchers emphases three key points: links between river and biodiversity...
Theme : Tools
Implementation of the Water Framework Directive: when ecosystem services come into play
(EN) - Onema 2013
This document presents the results of a seminar held in 2011 in France, with the concept of ecosystem services, the application methods for...
Theme : Awareness > Documents
Many services to society depend on the quality of aquatic environments
(EN) - Onema 2010
This fact sheet presents the different ecosystem services and their importance, especially concerning human societies
Theme : Awareness > Documents
[Video] Ecological engineering applied to aquatic environments: projects with multiple benefits
(EN) - Astee 2019
This video presents the benefits ecological engineering can have on flood protection, rainwater management, water quality in peri-urban areas...
Theme : Tools
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