

The search found 29 results in 0.032 seconds.

Search results

  1. guideline_monitorin.png

    Guideline for the monitoring of hydromorphological restoration

    (FR) - AFB 2019

    This practical guide focuses on the monitoring design and data collection methods for biological, hydromorhological elements necessary to assess...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  2. rex_en.png

    River restoration examples throught France

    (EN) - AFB 2019

    The collection presents more than 25 examples of river hydromorphology restoration undertaken over the past 20 years throughout France. These...

    Theme : Examples

  3. Dam_removal_OFB.png

    Partial or total weir/dam removal

    (EN) - AFB 2018

    From the AFB collection of examples, this factsheet presents the objectives of removing dams or weirs totally or partially, examples of possible...

    Theme : Examples

  4. SynthèseCE.png

    Restoration of river continuity: examples of practices in Europe

    (FR) - OiEau 2021

    This study offers a detailed overview of the implementation of the restoration of river continuity in four European countries (BE, ES, LU, UK): main regulations and actions, stakeholders, financial elements, tools, incentives and obstacles are proposed. Full...

    Theme : Examples

  5. LIFE_Dordogne.png

    LIFE Dordogne

    (FR) 2021

    The “LIFE Dordogne river” program, going from 2020 to 2026, aims to conserve and restore rare and threatened natural environments of the...

    Theme : Examples

  6. LIFE_EC.png

    LIFE Water & Climate

    (FR) 2021

    Launched in 2020 for 4 years, this LIFE “Water &Climate” project aims at supporting long-term local decision-making for climate-adapted...

    Theme : Examples

  7. vignette_tardoire.png

    Four weir removals on the Tardoire, France

    (EN) - Open rivers 2023

    Short description of these projects that will allow the free migration of fish species in the river.

    Theme : Examples

  8. vignette_reseaux_rivieres.png

    Large wood for living rivers

    (EN) - Réseaux Rivières TV 2022

    A webinar presenting techniques for renaturing rivers with dead wood, with feedback on the effects and methods of implementation.

    Theme : Physical restoration of rivers

  9. video_selune.JPG

    Removal of the Sélune dams

    (EN) - European Rivers Network 2023

    This video illustrates the implementation of the restoration of the Sélune project from 2019 to 2023, which is a symbolic project enabling the...

    Theme : Examples
