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  1. Raising awareness about benefits from river restoration

    Aquatic environments provide many services to human societies, thus contributing to their development and well-being, called ecosystem services. The majority of these services depend on the status of ecosystems. ...

  2. European directive implementation

    In France, the law of 3 January 1992, called “Water Law”, laid down the principles of integrated water management with, in particular, an aim at preserving and protecting aquatic ecosystems. ...

  3. Possible solutions

    Different categories of actions can be defined when aiming at an efficient hydromorphological functioning, depending on the issue: avoiding, mitigating or removing the significant adverse effects on the environment. These actions can have multiple objectives, supporting the aims of several water-related policies in Europe (river continuity, water quality, flood risk management...). ...

  4. Who is involved in a river restoration project?

    The French water policy is defined and coordinated at the national level, and transposes the European Community water policy. But its planning is organised at the level of river basins, unit of water management which follows the geographical territory of the resource and not the administrative boundaries. A local implementation of the water policy is also ensured by territorial communities. A presentation of the main actors involved in WFD implementation in France is available in the Water...


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