

The search found 14 results in 0.079 seconds.

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  1. Eco_damage_torts.png

    Ecological damage and ecological torts

    (EN) - AFB 2018

    This book describes the current scientific, legal and operational situation as well as the progress already made and that required to fully take...

    Theme : Legal protection

  2. Benefits01.png

    Film: The benefits of restoring rivers

    (EN) - AFB 2018

    This 7 min video shows testimonies from local community representatives regarding the benefits of the river restoration actions undertaken in...

    Theme : Tools

  3. meetings.png

    Restoration of river continuity: model initiatives across France and Europe

    (EN) - AFB 2018

    The French National River Restoration Centre organised in 2017 a workshop and field visits on river continuity restoration initiatives. This was...

  4. Selune.png

    Selune river restoration

    (EN) - AFB & INRA 2018

    This website presents the Selune river restoration project. In the context of removing the Vezins and La-Roche-Qui-Boit dams, a monitoring program has been set up to monitor the ecological restoration of the river basin and to characterize the related changes. Societal impacts are also being studied. See also this specific...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  5. HB_participation.png

    The handbook for the participation of stakeholders and the civil society in the basins of rivers, lakes and aquifers

    (EN) - INBO 2018

    This paper presents the key elements of the participation of stakeholders in water management, and gives concrete examples from basins around...

    Theme : Partnership

  6. Buech.png

    Monitoring the Buëch river

    (EN) - I.S.Rivers 2018

    In the context of the 2018 I.S.Rivers, several river restoration projects have been presented, along with their monitoring programmes. Among them, sediment replenish operations in Alpine rivers such as the Buëch and the...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  7. Dam_removal_OFB.png

    Partial or total weir/dam removal

    (EN) - AFB 2018

    From the AFB collection of examples, this factsheet presents the objectives of removing dams or weirs totally or partially, examples of possible...

    Theme : Examples

  8. my_river_kit2.png

    My river kit, a role-play to raise awareness among the general public

    (EN) - Irstea 2018

    My River Kit is a simple game that aims at exploring and analyzing river dynamics & protection with all kind of public throughout Europe....

    Theme : Partnership
