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  1. Dashboard01.jpg

    Dashboards: Loire


    In France, dashboards are set up in some catchment areas. Providing indicators, these can be used as supports for monitoring: Charente...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  2. ReX_ZH02.jpg

    Feedbacks and monitoring on rivers and wetlands

    (FR) - Onema 2010

    On this website, some feedbacks on river or wetland restoration are available, containing a "monitoring" section.

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  3. Monit_eval.jpg

    Monitoring and evaluating the ecological effects of hydromorphological restoration

    (FR) - Onema 2012

    This sheet focuses on the benefits of monitoring and evaluating a restoration operation, the expected objectives of such actions, the principles...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  4. HYMoCARES.png

    HyMoCARES project


    Hydromorphological monitoring of two French Alpine river restoration projects is detailed by the HyMoCARES Interreg project.

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  5. Selune.png

    Selune river restoration

    (EN) - AFB & INRA 2018

    This website presents the Selune river restoration project. In the context of removing the Vezins and La-Roche-Qui-Boit dams, a monitoring program has been set up to monitor the ecological restoration of the river basin and to characterize the related changes. Societal impacts are also being studied. See also this specific...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  6. Buech.png

    Monitoring the Buëch river

    (EN) - I.S.Rivers 2018

    In the context of the 2018 I.S.Rivers, several river restoration projects have been presented, along with their monitoring programmes. Among them, sediment replenish operations in Alpine rivers such as the Buëch and the...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  7. guideline_monitorin.png

    Guideline for the monitoring of hydromorphological restoration

    (FR) - AFB 2019

    This practical guide focuses on the monitoring design and data collection methods for biological, hydromorhological elements necessary to assess...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation