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Search results
Dam removal in France
(EN) - ERN 2016
France has been working on dam removal for years. European Rivers Network presents, as an NGO engaged in the preservation of rivers, its views on the main actions implemented by the country for almost 30 years, and proposes some case studies, including the Brives-Charensac dam...
Theme : Tools
A new type of river management is coming !
(EN) - RMC Water Agency 2016
This film, aimed at stakeholders involved in rivers management, presents and illustrates three key ideas, focusing on river restoration, to...
Theme : Tools
Understanding the salmon life history
(EN) - OFB 2021
A video presenting the life cycle of the Atlantic salmon and the importance of knowledge to help its preservation.
Theme : Tools
Rivers in good health
(EN) - AFB 2017
Designed for a broad public, this 5 min animated movie explains how rivers are shaped and why it is crucial to preserve and restore their health...
Theme : Tools
The « wild-made » Moselle river
(EN) - Université de Lorraine 2013
This one-hour film on the Moselle river and based on interviews with researchers emphases three key points: links between river and biodiversity...
Theme : Tools
[Video] Ecological engineering applied to aquatic environments: projects with multiple benefits
(EN) - Astee 2019
This video presents the benefits ecological engineering can have on flood protection, rainwater management, water quality in peri-urban areas...
Theme : Tools