

The search found 55 results in 0.059 seconds.

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  1. vignette_tardoire.png

    Four weir removals on the Tardoire, France

    (EN) - Open rivers 2023

    Short description of these projects that will allow the free migration of fish species in the river.

    Theme : Examples

  2. Management_eels.jpg

    Management plan to save the eels – Optimising the design and management of installations

    (EN) - Onema 2012

    The symposium titled "Eels and ecological continuity. Optimising the design and management of installations" was organized by Onema and the...

    Theme : Management of hydraulic structures

  3. Eco_damage_torts.png

    Ecological damage and ecological torts

    (EN) - AFB 2018

    This book describes the current scientific, legal and operational situation as well as the progress already made and that required to fully take...

    Theme : Legal protection

  4. HYMoCARES.png

    HyMoCARES project


    Hydromorphological monitoring of two French Alpine river restoration projects is detailed by the HyMoCARES Interreg project.

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  5. vignette_reseaux_rivieres.png

    Large wood for living rivers

    (EN) - Réseaux Rivières TV 2022

    A webinar presenting techniques for renaturing rivers with dead wood, with feedback on the effects and methods of implementation.

    Theme : Physical restoration of rivers

  6. Astee_water_periurban.jpg

    Improvement of water quality in peri-urban areas: Ecological engineering & aquatic environment

    (EN) - Astee 2019

    Agriculture has a role to play in preservation of water quality. Some practices exist that can reduce water pollution, as showed in this short...

    Theme : Improvement of agricultural and forestry practices

  7. Exotic_crayfish.jpg

    Exotic crayfish invasion: ecological impact and management approaches

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    Report of a seminar organized in France on 19-20 June 2013, this document provides a description of present knowledge on invasive and native...

    Theme : Invasive species

  8. Manuel_AESN.jpg

    Handbook for hydromorphological river restoration

    (FR) - Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie 2007

    Technical and reflection support for implementing river restoration projects.

    Theme : Examples

  9. ouvrages_hydrau_faune.jpg

    Small hydraulic structures and river continuity – Fish fauna

    (FR) - SETRA 2013

    This document presents the key principles and parameters to be taken into account when designing and installing small hydraulic structures...

    Theme : Compatible infrastructures

  10. Biotope_Orne.jpg

    Implementation of biotope protection orders on the Orne watercourses

    (FR) - Onema 2010

    This fact sheet illustrates the role legal protections can play in protecting species.

    Theme : Legal protection
