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Search results

  1. Ouche.jpg

    Land acquisition on the banks of the Ouche river

    (FR) - Onema 2010

    This exemple shows how land acquisition can help in re-establishing river dynamics

    Theme : Land acquisition

  2. Surv_OFB.png

    Water quality monitoring

    (FR) - OFB

    This webpage introduces the water quality monitoring programs developed in France, as a requirement of the WFD

    Theme : Data and maps

  3. Salmon-history.png

    Understanding the salmon life history

    (EN) - OFB 2021

    A video presenting the life cycle of the Atlantic salmon and the importance of knowledge to help its preservation.

    Theme : Tools

  4. Life_CEco.jpg

    Life Ecological continuity

    (EN) - PNR Morvan & Ballon des Vosges

    This project, carried out in the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region, aimed at restoring the functionality of rivers and their connectivities in order...

    Theme : Examples

  5. Design_amb.jpg

    Designing ambitious projects for river restoration

    (EN) - Onema 2014

    This document proposes a description of the tools that may be used in an overall strategy designed to accompany stakeholders wishing to launch a...

    Theme : Partnership

  6. Dataviz_flow.png

    Dataviz – Learn more about flow barriers

    (FR) - OFB 2019

    Different graphic representations illustrating flow barriers data: obstacle types, height, uses…

    Theme : Data and maps

  7. SYRAH_OFB.png

    SYRAH-CE project

    (FR) - OFB

    This page introduces the SYRAH-CE project, whose aim is to evaluate risks for water course physical alterations throught a geographical...

    Theme : Diagnosing > Documents
