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  1. Merantaise3.png

    The Mérantaise river restoration project

    (EN) - AFB 2017

    This fact sheet presents the Mérantaise river project, which implemented different types of operations to meet the dual objective of flood...

    Theme : Examples

  2. Rest_pratiques.png

    River restoration in France: Changes in definitions and techniques over space and time. Outlook for the future

    (EN) - AFB 2017

    This document presents the history of the concept of river restoration, the French and international definitions, but also the diversity of practices and some reflexions about possible strategies for river restoration. A...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  3. Ponapomi.png

    Portal for National Migratory Fish Data (Ponapomi)

    (FR) - AFB 2018

    This participatory portal offers a centralized access to data on migratory fish in metropolitan France, as well as links to resources and to...

    Theme : Data and maps

  4. rex_en.png

    River restoration examples throught France

    (EN) - AFB 2019

    The collection presents more than 25 examples of river hydromorphology restoration undertaken over the past 20 years throughout France. These...

    Theme : Examples

  5. Engin_continuum.jpg

    Engineering the water continuum

    (EN) - Onema 2011

    Gaié (Ecosystem engineering group) and Onema examined the position of ecological engineering in sustainable water management during a symposium...

    Theme : Organizing the implementation

  6. Many_services.jpg

    Many services to society depend on the quality of aquatic environments

    (EN) - Onema 2010

    This fact sheet presents the different ecosystem services and their importance, especially concerning human societies

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  7. Life_shad.png

    LIFE + Shad project

    (EN) 2016

    This French-German project aims at continuing the stocking of Allis shad in the Rhine initiated in 2007 and maintaining and reestablish wild...

    Theme : Examples
