

The search found 5 results in 0.032 seconds.

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  1. Inv_species.jpg

    Invasive species: how should this be managed in aquatic environments?

    (EN) - Onema 2011

    This document is a synthesis of the seminar organized by Onema and Cemagref in Paris on 12-14 October 2010 on the management of invasive species...

    Theme : Invasive species

  2. Exotic_crayfish.jpg

    Exotic crayfish invasion: ecological impact and management approaches

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    Report of a seminar organized in France on 19-20 June 2013, this document provides a description of present knowledge on invasive and native...

    Theme : Invasive species

  3. InvasiveSpecies.png

    Invasive alien species in aquatic environments - Practical information and management insights

    (EN) - Onema 2016

    This two-volume publication gives detailed information about the management of invasive alien species (IAS) : legislation, regulation, actions and management issues in the first volume, a panorama of IAS management experiments in aquatic environements in the 2nd...

    Theme : Invasive species

  4. IAS_vol3.png

    Invasive alien species in aquatic environments - Practical information and management insights

    (EN) - AFB 2019

    This third volume offers new fact sheets on invasive alien species, 21 already covered in Vol.2 and 12 new species, with insights on management...

    Theme : Invasive species

  5. KFA2022_EEE-vol4_couv.jpg

    Invasive alien species in aquatic environments - Practical information and management insights

    (EN) - OFB & IUCN 2023

    This fourth volume give access to 25 project management reports in France, including overseas and 12 new species of flora and fauna.

    Theme : Invasive species