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Examples on waterways and improvement of lateral continuity
(FR) - Onema 2013
These fact sheets provide knowledge on river dynamics and examples of improvments of lateral river continuity. Some of the examples were...
Theme : Lateral continuity
Reactivating river dynamics in the Vieux-Rhône River (non-navigable section) at Cornas, Roubion and Petite Île
(EN) - Onema 2013
This example deals with the removal of river embankment to improve lateral continuity of waterways without impacting the waterway.
Theme : Lateral continuity
Bio-engineering techniques for bank protection on the Moselle River in Villey-le-Sec
(EN) - Onema 2013
This example illustrates how bio-engineering techniques can help in maintaining waterways and lateral exchanges.
Theme : Lateral continuity
Reopening side channels along the Saône in Jassans-Riottier
(EN) - Onema 2013
This fact sheet details the works done to reconnect the main channel with the side channels and to recreate diverse habitats in the Saône river<...
Theme : Lateral continuity
Bio-engineering and creation of side channels along the rectified section of the Scarpe River in Arras
(EN) - Onema 2013
On the Scarpe river, several techniques have been used to improve the lateral continuity of waterways: bio-engineering for bank-protection, work...
Theme : Lateral continuity
Ecological enineering techniques for riverbanks
(EN) - IRSTEA 2017
This website presents the different types of riverbank development, including soil bioengineering techniques, as well as their effect on...
Theme : Lateral continuity
Promotion and development of ecological engineering in Guadeloupe watercourses
(EN) - PNR Guadeloupe 2020
Website of the PROTEGER project, with the results of the project, resources and information related to ecological engineering in Guadeloupe ...
Theme : Lateral continuity