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  1. ouvrages_hydrau_faune.jpg

    Small hydraulic structures and river continuity – Fish fauna

    (FR) - SETRA 2013

    This document presents the key principles and parameters to be taken into account when designing and installing small hydraulic structures...

    Theme : Compatible infrastructures

  2. Transparency_railway.jpg

    Ensuring hydro-ecological transparency of new railway lines – Principles of considering rivers and wetlands

    (FR) - Onema 2014

    This document recommends the steps to be taken to ensure that rivers and wetlands are considered when designing and implementing major rail...

    Theme : Compatible infrastructures

  3. Lateral_cont.jpg

    Examples on waterways and improvement of lateral continuity

    (FR) - Onema 2013

    These fact sheets provide knowledge on river dynamics and examples of improvments of lateral river continuity. Some of the examples were...

    Theme : Lateral continuity

  4. Manuel_AESN.jpg

    Handbook for hydromorphological river restoration

    (FR) - Agence de l'eau Seine-Normandie 2007

    Technical and reflection support for implementing river restoration projects.

    Theme : Examples

  5. Jeudi_restauration.jpg

    River restoration Thursdays

    (FR) - Onema

    Every Thursday, Onema website presents key facts regarding one or two examples of French river restoration projects.

    Theme : Examples

  6. ReX_AP.jpg

    Artois Picardie river restoration examples

    (FR) - Agence de l'eau Artois-Picardie 2013

    This collection contains feedbacks of 40 river restoration operations conducted in the Artois-Picardie Basin from 2007 to 2012.

    Theme : Examples

  7. ZH01.jpg

    Zones Humides website

    (FR) - Eaufrance

    Feedbacks on river and wetland preservation or restoration actions, that could be sorted by river basin, type of operation or type of aquatic...

    Theme : Examples

  8. Vezin_Poutès.jpg

    Ecological continuity in Vezins Poutès

    (EN) - Onema 2014

    A video introducing two outstanding projects restoring ecological continuity in France.

    Theme : Examples

  9. Onema_ec_cont.jpg

    Onema's work for restoring ecological continuity

    (EN) - Onema

    Throughout France, Onema personnel have worked hard in favour of river continuity and provided local projects with their technical know-how. Few...

    Theme : Examples

  10. Dashboard01.jpg

    Dashboards: Loire


    In France, dashboards are set up in some catchment areas. Providing indicators, these can be used as supports for monitoring: Charente...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation
