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  1. Restoration_NWRM.jpg

    River restoration and Natural Water Retention Measures

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    This workshop aimed to promote a better integration of European directives and policies through river restoration and natural water retention measures. The workshop was also focusing on the ways to improve local communities’ engagement in aquatic ecosystem restoration projects.


    Theme : Partnership

  2. ReX_hydrom_Onema.jpg

    A collection of river hydromorphology restoration examples

    (FR) - Onema 2011

    The collection presents more than 80 examples of river hydromorphology restoration undertaken over the past 20 years throughout France. These...

    Theme : Examples

  3. Restoration_NWRM.jpg

    River restoration and Natural Water Retention Measures

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    This workshop aimed to promote a better integration of European directives and policies through river restoration and natural water retention measures. The workshop was also focusing on the ways to improve local communities’ engagement in aquatic ecosystem restoration projects.


    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  4. VN_Cornas.jpg

    Reactivating river dynamics in the Vieux-Rhône River (non-navigable section) at Cornas, Roubion and Petite Île

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    This example deals with the removal of river embankment to improve lateral continuity of waterways without impacting the waterway.

    Theme : Lateral continuity

  5. Bioeng_Villey.jpg

    Bio-engineering techniques for bank protection on the Moselle River in Villey-le-Sec

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    This example illustrates how bio-engineering techniques can help in maintaining waterways and lateral exchanges.

    Theme : Lateral continuity

  6. Handbook_INBO.jpg

    The handbook for management and restoration of aquatic ecosystems in river and lakes basins

    (EN) - GWP & INBO 2015

    This handbook is aimed at practitioners involved in managing water resources and restoring ecosystems and, more broadly, anyone with an interest...

    Theme : Examples

  7. ReX_ZH02.jpg

    Feedbacks and monitoring on rivers and wetlands

    (FR) - Onema 2010

    On this website, some feedbacks on river or wetland restoration are available, containing a "monitoring" section.

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  8. Monit_eval.jpg

    Monitoring and evaluating the ecological effects of hydromorphological restoration

    (FR) - Onema 2012

    This sheet focuses on the benefits of monitoring and evaluating a restoration operation, the expected objectives of such actions, the principles...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation
