

The search found 146 results in 0.05 seconds.

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  1. WFD_eco_serv.jpg

    Implementation of the Water Framework Directive: when ecosystem services come into play

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    This document presents the results of a seminar held in 2011 in France, with the concept of ecosystem services, the application methods for...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  2. River_dynamics.jpg

    River dynamics: at the origin of biodiversity and good ecological status

    (EN) - Onema 2010

    This fact sheet presents why respecting the river dynamics is important, in terms of ecosystem services, biodiversity and for reaching good...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  3. viewpoint01.jpg

    Viewpoint of partners on ecosystem services

    (EN) - Onema

    Viewpoints of 2 persons involved in aquatic environments issues, on ecosystem services.

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  4. Film_Mig.jpg

    Preserving migratory fish – the example of Pyrenean rivers

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    Onema has produced a film to raise awareness among the general public of the alarming situation facing migratory fish, in France and other North...

    Theme : Tools

  5. Mob_area_Adour.jpg

    Agreed definition of a mobility area for the Adour

    (EN) - Onema 2010

    This case study presents a project led on the Adour river for restoring Adour’s mobility area.

    Theme : Mobility area

  6. Inv_species.jpg

    Invasive species: how should this be managed in aquatic environments?

    (EN) - Onema 2011

    This document is a synthesis of the seminar organized by Onema and Cemagref in Paris on 12-14 October 2010 on the management of invasive species...

    Theme : Invasive species

  7. Exotic_crayfish.jpg

    Exotic crayfish invasion: ecological impact and management approaches

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    Report of a seminar organized in France on 19-20 June 2013, this document provides a description of present knowledge on invasive and native...

    Theme : Invasive species

  8. Fish_passes_FAO.jpg

    Fish passes. Design, dimensions and monitoring

    (EN) - FAO 2002

    This guidelines gives general and technical considerations as well as advice for the design and evaluation of fish passes, and proposals for...

    Theme : Fish passage facilities

  9. Fishways_FR.jpg

    Fishways: biological basis, design criteria and monitoring

    (EN) - Bulletin français de la pêche et de la pisciculture (now KMAE) 2002

    This book is a compilation of knowledge of all aspects concerning the planning and construction of fish passes as well as their monitoring for...

    Theme : Fish passage facilities

  10. Management_eels.jpg

    Management plan to save the eels – Optimising the design and management of installations

    (EN) - Onema 2012

    The symposium titled "Eels and ecological continuity. Optimising the design and management of installations" was organized by Onema and the...

    Theme : Management of hydraulic structures
