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  1. Meeting70_Selune.png

    Dam removal: The Sélune River free to run - 24 to 26 september 2019

    (EN) - OFB 2020

    Summary of the international symposium on the rebirth of the Sélune river, organized by European River network in conjunction with the French...

    Theme : Event national center

  2. SynthèseCE.png

    Restoration of river continuity: examples of practices in Europe

    (FR) - OiEau 2021

    This study offers a detailed overview of the implementation of the restoration of river continuity in four European countries (BE, ES, LU, UK): main regulations and actions, stakeholders, financial elements, tools, incentives and obstacles are proposed. Full...

    Theme : Examples

  3. Benefits01.png

    Film: The benefits of restoring rivers

    (EN) - AFB 2018

    This 7 min video shows testimonies from local community representatives regarding the benefits of the river restoration actions undertaken in...

    Theme : Tools

  4. Eco_cont_wetlands.jpg

    Ecological continuity in littoral wetlands, a local, national and European issue

    (EN) - Onema 2016

    Bringing together managers, scientists and decision makers, this event aimed at producing a joint project for the improvement of ecological...

    Theme : Partnership

  5. Diag_restor_biodiv.jpg

    Diagnosing and restoring aquatic biodiversity

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    This document recapitulates the knowledge, methods and results presented during the meeting titled “The outlook for managing aquatic...

    Theme : Diagnosing > Documents

  6. Control_nutr.jpg

    Improving control over nutrients by restoring river hydromorphology

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    This review of the literature presents the most noteworthy aspects of current knowledge and a number of examples on the relations between...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  7. guideline_monitorin.png

    Guideline for the monitoring of hydromorphological restoration

    (FR) - AFB 2019

    This practical guide focuses on the monitoring design and data collection methods for biological, hydromorhological elements necessary to assess...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  8. Head_waters_streams.jpg

    Head water streams, a critical issue for water resources

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    Synthesis of a symposium, aimed at a professional audience, which highlighted the importance of head water streams and showed some good...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  9. Assess_eco_serv.jpg

    Assessing the ecological services of aquatic environments: scientific, political and operational issues

    (EN) - Onema 2011

    This book provides managers with key concepts on addressing why assessments of ecological services rendered by aquatic environments are...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents
