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  1. Control_nutr.jpg

    Improving control over nutrients by restoring river hydromorphology

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    This review of the literature presents the most noteworthy aspects of current knowledge and a number of examples on the relations between...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  2. WFD_eco_serv.jpg

    Implementation of the Water Framework Directive: when ecosystem services come into play

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    This document presents the results of a seminar held in 2011 in France, with the concept of ecosystem services, the application methods for...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  3. River_dynamics.jpg

    River dynamics: at the origin of biodiversity and good ecological status

    (EN) - Onema 2010

    This fact sheet presents why respecting the river dynamics is important, in terms of ecosystem services, biodiversity and for reaching good...

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  4. viewpoint01.jpg

    Viewpoint of partners on ecosystem services

    (EN) - Onema

    Viewpoints of 2 persons involved in aquatic environments issues, on ecosystem services.

    Theme : Awareness > Documents

  5. European directive implementation

    In France, the law of 3 January 1992, called “Water Law”, laid down the principles of integrated water management with, in particular, an aim at preserving and protecting aquatic ecosystems. ...

  6. Why restore ?

    Humans alter the shape of rivers for centuries: river channelling, concreting of riverbanks, dam or dikes construction... This deterioration lies at the origin of habitat fragmentation, depletion of aquatic population and aquatic environments services degradation such as flood and drought regulation, self-purification of water, flood plains fertilization or recreational areas... Alterations of morphology and of flow regime has become now one of the main factors responsible for river...

  7. Diagnosing and planning

    A complete diagnosis of the aquatic environment is a first step to any restoration measure. ...

  8. Film_Mig.jpg

    Preserving migratory fish – the example of Pyrenean rivers

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    Onema has produced a film to raise awareness among the general public of the alarming situation facing migratory fish, in France and other North...

    Theme : Tools

  9. Stakeholders and communication

    A  river restoration project involves local communities and many different stakeholders, at different levels and with various functions. A description of the various actors of a river restoration project and their role is proposed in the “Who is involved in a river restoration project?” section. ...

  10. Possible solutions

    Different categories of actions can be defined when aiming at an efficient hydromorphological functioning, depending on the issue: avoiding, mitigating or removing the significant adverse effects on the environment. These actions can have multiple objectives, supporting the aims of several water-related policies in Europe (river continuity, water quality, flood risk management...). ...
