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Diagnosing alterations in rivers
The state of aquatic ecosystems is based on parameters that determine their functioning characteristics. Several categories of parameters are generally distinguished: ...
Organizing the implementation
To preserve or restore rivers at a catchment or basin scale, an action plan must be defined to identify and organize actions to be implemented. ...
Restoration operations cannot be limited to the technical aspects of each project. A hydromorphological restoration is an economic, social, environmental, cultural and political project that often concerns an area much larger than the local area where the work takes place. ...
Agreed definition of a mobility area for the Adour
(EN) - Onema 2010
This case study presents a project led on the Adour river for restoring Adour’s mobility area.
Theme : Mobility area
Who is involved in a river restoration project?
The French water policy is defined and coordinated at the national level, and transposes the European Community water policy. But its planning is organised at the level of river basins, unit of water management which follows the geographical territory of the resource and not the administrative boundaries. A local implementation of the water policy is also ensured by territorial communities. A presentation of the main actors involved in WFD implementation in France is available in the Water...
Raising awareness about benefits from river restoration
Aquatic environments provide many services to human societies, thus contributing to their development and well-being, called ecosystem services. The majority of these services depend on the status of ecosystems. ...
Invasive species: how should this be managed in aquatic environments?
(EN) - Onema 2011
This document is a synthesis of the seminar organized by Onema and Cemagref in Paris on 12-14 October 2010 on the management of invasive species...
Theme : Invasive species
If the morphological and ecological functioning of the river is good, preservation actions could be implemented to maintain this status and avoid potential impacts, such a as: ...
Exotic crayfish invasion: ecological impact and management approaches
(EN) - Onema 2013
Report of a seminar organized in France on 19-20 June 2013, this document provides a description of present knowledge on invasive and native...
Theme : Invasive species
Some activities, such as infrastructure works, result in physical modifications of the river’s hydromorphology and habitats. These can have a negative impact for the river and its fauna and can be reduced through the implementation of mitigation measures such as: ...
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