

The search found 164 results in 0.042 seconds.

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  1. ZH01.jpg

    Zones Humides website

    (FR) - Eaufrance

    Feedbacks on river and wetland preservation or restoration actions, that could be sorted by river basin, type of operation or type of aquatic...

    Theme : Examples

  2. Vezin_Poutès.jpg

    Ecological continuity in Vezins Poutès

    (EN) - Onema 2014

    A video introducing two outstanding projects restoring ecological continuity in France.

    Theme : Examples

  3. Onema_ec_cont.jpg

    Onema's work for restoring ecological continuity

    (EN) - Onema

    Throughout France, Onema personnel have worked hard in favour of river continuity and provided local projects with their technical know-how. Few...

    Theme : Examples

  4. 20215_une.jpg

    New for the block "Planning and designing"

    Exemple de texte pour une actualité appartenant au thème "Planning and designing"

  5. biocontrole_cle4252d2-171d4.jpg

    New for the block "Stakeholders and communication"

    Exemple de texte pour une actualité appartenant au thème "Stakeholders and communication"

  6. Vezin_Poutes_04.jpg

    New for the block "Possible solutions"

    Exemple de texte pour une actualité appartenant au thème "Possible solutions"

  7. Dashboard01.jpg

    Dashboards: Loire


    In France, dashboards are set up in some catchment areas. Providing indicators, these can be used as supports for monitoring: Charente...

    Theme : Monitoring and evaluation

  8. Restoration_NWRM.jpg

    River restoration and Natural Water Retention Measures

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    This workshop aimed to promote a better integration of European directives and policies through river restoration and natural water retention measures. The workshop was also focusing on the ways to improve local communities’ engagement in aquatic ecosystem restoration projects.


    Theme : Partnership
