

The search found 164 results in 0.031 seconds.

Search results

  1. Géo.jpg


    (FR) - IGN / BRGM

    This website offers maps, aerial photographs and data concerning environment, spatial planning or public services in France.

    Theme : Data and maps

  2. IAS_vol3.png

    Invasive alien species in aquatic environments - Practical information and management insights

    (EN) - AFB 2019

    This third volume offers new fact sheets on invasive alien species, 21 already covered in Vol.2 and 12 new species, with insights on management...

    Theme : Invasive species

  3. Mob_area_Adour.jpg

    Agreed definition of a mobility area for the Adour

    (EN) - Onema 2010

    This case study presents a project led on the Adour river for restoring Adour’s mobility area.

    Theme : Mobility area

  4. HB_participation.png

    The handbook for the participation of stakeholders and the civil society in the basins of rivers, lakes and aquifers

    (EN) - INBO 2018

    This paper presents the key elements of the participation of stakeholders in water management, and gives concrete examples from basins around...

    Theme : Partnership

  5. ZH01.jpg

    Wetlands maps and inventories

    (FR) - Eaufrance

    This website, dedicated to wetlands, provides information about the functions and values of wetlands, their regulation... and inventories and...

    Theme : Data and maps
