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  1. Possible solutions

    Different categories of actions can be defined when aiming at an efficient hydromorphological functioning, depending on the issue: avoiding, mitigating or removing the significant adverse effects on the environment. These actions can have multiple objectives, supporting the aims of several water-related policies in Europe (river continuity, water quality, flood risk management...). ...

  2. Env_eng.jpg

    Environmental Engineering Applied to Aquatic Environments: Why and How

    (EN) - ASTEE 2013

    This publication presents the key concepts and the benefits of ecological engineering, and gives feedbacks for all stakeholders involved in the management of aquatic ecosystems. An english summary of this...

    Theme : Organizing the implementation

  3. Management_eels.jpg

    Management plan to save the eels – Optimising the design and management of installations

    (EN) - Onema 2012

    The symposium titled "Eels and ecological continuity. Optimising the design and management of installations" was organized by Onema and the...

    Theme : Management of hydraulic structures

  4. Ecailles_truite.png

    Guide to the interpretation of the scales and the estimation of the age of brown trout (Salmo trutta) from the French populations

    (EN) - OFB 2020

    A user manual for interpreting the scales and estimating the age of brown trout (Salmo trutta).

    Theme : Diagnosing > Documents

  5. vignette_reseaux_rivieres.png

    Large wood for living rivers

    (EN) - Réseaux Rivières TV 2022

    A webinar presenting techniques for renaturing rivers with dead wood, with feedback on the effects and methods of implementation.

    Theme : Physical restoration of rivers

  6. Film_Mig.jpg

    Preserving migratory fish – the example of Pyrenean rivers

    (EN) - Onema 2015

    Onema has produced a film to raise awareness among the general public of the alarming situation facing migratory fish, in France and other North...

    Theme : Tools

  7. Ex_Dordogne.jpg

    Reconciling divergent energy and environmental needs – The example of the Dordogne river

    (EN) - Onema 2010

    Example of an experimentation of new river-management techniques that attempt to reconcile the survival of the species and hydroelectric...

    Theme : Partnership

  8. CartoGraph.png


    (FR) - OFB

    Tool for visualizing and exploiting a large number of data relating to water, aquatic environments and their uses in the form of maps, graphics...

    Theme : Data and maps
