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Elimination of a pond along the Erve River and conservation of the historical heritage in Sainte-Suzanne-et-Chammes
(EN) - Onema 2016
Some activities, such as infrastructure works, result in physical modifications of the river’s hydromorphology and habitats. These can have a negative impact for the river and its fauna and can be reduced through the implementation of mitigation measures such as: ...
Refilling the meanders of the Colostre
(EN) - Onema 2010
Theme : Remeandering
Territories better prepared for floods: it's possible
(EN) - OFB 2022
This 3-minute animated film for elected officials and citizens presents possible nature-based actions to reduce the risk of flooding.
Theme : Tools
Study of the crossing capacity of the brook lamprey with a view to defining the criteria for dimensioning crossing devices
(EN) - LIFE programme "Headwater streams and faunistic heritage associated" 2009
This document presents the results of a specific study on the dimensioning of crossing structures suitable for the brook lamprey, conducted as...
Theme : Fish passage facilities
French NWRM case studies from agriculture and forestry sectors
(EN) - OIEau & OFB 2020
10 cases studies of Natural Water Retention Measures implementation in France, with a detailed description of the NWRM, lessons learnt, impacts,...
Restoration operations cannot be limited to the technical aspects of each project. A hydromorphological restoration is an economic, social, environmental, cultural and political project that often concerns an area much larger than the local area where the work takes place. ...
NWRM - Measures offering multiple benefits to meet water-related challenges
(EN) - OFB 2020
Summary of the technical seminar held on 13 February 2020, which highlighted the opportunities to implement NWRMs in the agricultural, urban and...
Theme : Event national center
Selune valley revival - International conference on river continuity restoration, in Rennes and Avranches (France), 24, 25 and 26th September 2019
(EN) - OIEau 2019
More than 200 participants from 20 countries exchanged and debated on the river Selune dam removal project, but also on many illustrative...
Theme : Event national center
Fishways: biological basis, design criteria and monitoring
(EN) - Bulletin français de la pêche et de la pisciculture (now KMAE) 2002
This book is a compilation of knowledge of all aspects concerning the planning and construction of fish passes as well as their monitoring for...
Theme : Fish passage facilities
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