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  1. ERN_dam_removal2.png

    Dam removal in France

    (EN) - ERN 2016

    France has been working on dam removal for years. European Rivers Network presents, as an NGO engaged in the preservation of rivers, its views on the main actions implemented by the country for almost 30 years, and proposes some case studies, including the Brives-Charensac dam...

    Theme : Tools

  2. Physical restoration of rivers

    Changes in the morphology of rivers are one of the main obstacles to achieving good ecological status of aquatic environments. This assessment led the European Commission to the launch of an action plan to safeguard Europe’s water resources: the Blueprint. It is thus necessary to launch operations to restore the hydromorphology of rivers, based on good ecological-engineering practices and managed by local entities. ...

  3. LIFE_EC.png

    LIFE Water & Climate

    (FR) 2021

    Launched in 2020 for 4 years, this LIFE “Water &Climate” project aims at supporting long-term local decision-making for climate-adapted...

    Theme : Examples

  4. Moselle_film.png

    The « wild-made » Moselle river

    (EN) - Université de Lorraine 2013

    This one-hour film on the Moselle river and based on interviews with researchers emphases three key points: links between river and biodiversity...

    Theme : Tools

  5. Organizing the implementation

    To preserve or restore rivers at a catchment or basin scale, an action plan must be defined to identify and organize actions to be implemented. ...

  6. atlantic_salmon.png

    Atlantic Salmon Summit

    (EN) 2015

    The Atlantic Salmon Summit, organized in France in October 2015, gathered scientists, institutions, managers, industry, NGOs or leading experts...

    Theme : Examples

  7. biocontrole_cle4252d2-171d4.jpg

    New for the block "Stakeholders and communication"

    Exemple de texte pour une actualité appartenant au thème "Stakeholders and communication"

  8. Jassans.png

    Reopening side channels along the Saône in Jassans-Riottier

    (EN) - Onema 2013

    This fact sheet details the works done to reconnect the main channel with the side channels and to recreate diverse habitats in the Saône river<...

    Theme : Lateral continuity

  9. Inv_species.jpg

    Invasive species: how should this be managed in aquatic environments?

    (EN) - Onema 2011

    This document is a synthesis of the seminar organized by Onema and Cemagref in Paris on 12-14 October 2010 on the management of invasive species...

    Theme : Invasive species

  10. Who is involved in a river restoration project?

    The French water policy is defined and coordinated at the national level, and transposes the European Community water policy. But its planning is organised at the level of river basins, unit of water management which follows the geographical territory of the resource and not the administrative boundaries. A local implementation of the water policy is also ensured by territorial communities. A presentation of the main actors involved in WFD implementation in France is available in the Water...
